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Portable Prezi Not Responding [SOLVED]


So you are trying to open a portable Prezi but it gets stuck, won’t open and the operating system tells you it is not responding? This error is typically caused by one thing: you have too much stuff in your Prezi, more specifically too many very large images. Actually even a single image over 5000x5000px could be the reason why your portable Prezi will not open!

But it worked in the online version? 

Quite often the Prezi works fine in the online version, but still doesn’t open as portable. It would be best to resize large images before inserting them, but fortunately there is also a quick fix when you cannot go back to edit your Prezi:

  • Navigate to the content folder of your Portable Prezi Content/Data/Repo
  • Resize the large image using a photo editing tool or an online application.
  • Put the new smaller image back into the same folder (replace the old file, keep file name same)

This will actually make the image smaller in dimensions and file size, but it will keep it in place with the content without making it appear smaller.

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