Internet Education - Prezi Next Template


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Get a degree online? No problem, nowadays you can even become a doctor on the internet! A Prezi presentation template with online and distance learning concept. A Macbook laptop with a chalkboard as the computer screen, filled with hand-drawn icons. Zoom into the slides and present your content about getting smarter online. Present about online courses in education or simply improving your skills. From coding to cooking, it’s possible to learn anything online.


Can you really learn online? If you have enough money to spend you can probably become an official brain surgeon online, the real question is, whether learning online actually teaches you anything or is it just a business? This presentation template is designed for the topic of learning online or using technology in education. A Macbook laptop with the screen replaced with an educational chalkboard, which illustrates a classroom learning style.

The overview slide of the template features a placeholder for your presentation title and content topic slides scattered around the board, together with various learning and school related icons. Make an interactive mind-map style presentation where you can easily point and zoom into different topics. Make a general education technology presentation or promote your own business, for example an online video course or learning materials. This template is available both as a PowerPoint template and as a Prezi presentation.

The Internet Education (Prezi template version ) includes many example slides which are already filled with demo content. These include an introduction slide, content slide with text and images, timeline element, vector world map, gallery page with images and single featured item, and a contact page with a quote. All adjustable slides – easily edit the content, text and colors and of course add as many more slides and topics as you need.

+ Online Education PowerPoint Template Included:


PowerPoint PPT version of the Online Learning presentation template is also included in the purchase. A laptop with a green chalkboard screen. Includes example education related icons and a diagram. Present about educational technology and learning online.

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