Multimedia - Prezi Next Template


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It’s all about multimedia nowadays with every phone, tablet and computer screen filled with colorful content. Prezi Next presentation template with a modern multimedia concept for showing lots of images, videos or any other media. Woman using a touchscreen with hovering 3D content: images, social media icons and a film strip. Present about internet, classical news and media outlets, online publications, advertising or the movie entertainment world.


What is multimedia? Looking at this image might give a few clues – it’s a combination of multiple content forms such as text, images, videos, animations, and audio. This presentation template was created to illustrate the concept that we now have our lives filled with multimedia content and it is available with 1 click (or tap) of a button. The template features a bright background scene with a woman pointing a finger at a futuristic touch screen which is filled with images, and social media icons.

Add your own presentation headline and subtitle into the middle and make it look like the woman in the scene is clicking on your title to start the discussion about the topic. Advance the presentation by zooming into the semi-transparent square topic frames. Add your own titles onto the squares and move them around the scene. You can also change the colors of the squares and add more topics as you like. Some of the images in the presentation are “hard-coded” into the background, so it has a nice 3D effect while moving into the topics and back to the overview, but many of the foreground pictures, which are not blurred, can be replaced with your own images, related to your topic.

Make yourself a modern web technology and multimedia related presentation. Use the template for talking about your company or business, or present about social media and other possibilities that are made available through smart devices. The template is also suitable for a virtual reality or AR related topic.

+ Multimedia PowerPoint PPT Template Included:


A PowerPoint version of the Multimedia Presentation template is also included in the purchase. It’s features a more static alternative to the Prezi template with 2 alternative slide design layouts and 16:9 screen ratio. So don’t go presenting with another slide deck containing nothing but bullet points, if you’re going to present about such as visual topic as multimedia, then you’re going to need an appropriate template like this!

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