Open Book - Prezi Next Template


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Books are a great source of wisdom… but so are good presentations! Put on your reading glasses and make sure to use this book themed template for an informative and creative presentation, as the concept of a book in design is usually associated with learning new information and gaining knowledge. A Prezi presentation template with an abstract or magical book concept. An open book on a wooden desk with 3D letters flying out of it.

A perfect Prezi template for illustrating presentations in the field of education, such as school and students, literature and book review or reading and homework. Easily rearrange, edit or delete the letters to match your presentation needs. Instead of simple letters or numbers you can also add words which describe your topic, and then zoom into them to present more details.

Take your viewers on a story and fly through the letters and numbers on the 3D background. The slides in the template have a nice 3D transition effect and at first, it might look like the template zooms and spins an awful lot, but this example presentation only shows blanks slides, but your presentation will have more content to show, and thus you’re staying on each slide longer.

So grab your pencil… or keyboard and mouse and become a creative writer! Make each slide in your presentation an interesting chapter and keep your audience engaged. Make sure your presentation is better than the book you are talking about!

+ Open Book PowerPoint Template Included:


A PowerPoint version of the Open Book Prezi Template is included with the purchase. The PPT version offers a more static and conservative presentation with the same design. The intro slide features a placeholder for your book related presentation headline and subtitle. There are 2 alternative designs for the content slides: 1 with letters on the header and the second with the book visible on the right. So even if you’ve never read a book in your life, then this template will make you look like an expert!

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